Home » Three major hair & beauty trends sweeping NZ in 2019
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Three major hair & beauty trends sweeping NZ in 2019

Three major hair & beauty trends sweeping NZ in 2019

We’re well over halfway into the year (when did that happen?) and there have been some obvious trends emerge in the professional sectors of hair and beauty over the last several months.

At the beginning of the year, Stuff.co.nz spoke to industry members across the spectrum to ask them what trends and personal beauty and hair preferences they could envision for the year ahead. Shannon Gaitz takes stock on those major trends that have swept New Zealand this year, as we look back on the themes defining our industry.

1. Eco-conscious beauty

The must-have, modern beauty trend of our time (as it should be), environmental beauty continues to be key. As Ashleigh Scott, owner of The Facialist, said earlier in the year, consumers are aware of the products and ingredients they’re now purchasing, so health and awareness is paramount. Ethical, local, natural and home-grown brands are gaining major traction for their transparency. This is a trend that’s going nowhere soon.

2. Retro vibes

We always look to the past to dictate the future, and that’s been true once again in 2019. Hair and makeup artists as well as salon owner, Lauren Gunn, was looking to the 90s for sleek hair and glossy lips, while D&M Hair Design creative director and co-owner, as well as Hair Expo New Zealand Hairdresser of the Year, Danny Pato, harked back to the 70s for soft curls, lob-level cuts and full fringes, as well as 90s style blunt bobs and 60s boho length. When working on set or in salon, past references are, ironically, a great way to remain current.

3. The healthy look

“I want to see people paying the same attention to their hair as they do their skin,” Gunn said about healthy hair being a must-have trend at the moment. Makeup artist Kath Gould agreed from a beauty perspective, calling out glossy, glowing, creamy skin as a trend on both the runway and social media. Making our clients feel like the best version of themselves is a trend we’ll be taking into 2020 and beyond, thanks.

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