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4 in 5 Aussie women say their skincare doesn’t work

4 in 5 Aussie women say their skincare doesn’t work

This week, an independent survey was released by nutraceuticals company Entity Health, which revealed that most Aussie women feel their skincare products don’t deliver the full results they claimed, writes Mala McAlpin.

The study surveyed a group of 1010 Australian women, and was designed to understand how women feel about the efficacy of their skincare products for various skin concerns.

83% of respondents said that the skincare products they were using claimed better results than the ones they experienced. 34% of women did admit that their skincare improved their skin’s quality, however, this leaves almost two thirds whose skin condition/s (including dryness, dullness, pigmentation or rosacea) were not improved.

Entity Health COO and medical spokesperson Dr Janakan Krishnarajah says “It seems to be common knowledge among Australian women that skincare products won’t necessarily treat their skin concerns, even when those products target specific concerns. With significant advances having been made in the skincare industry, women can consider options beyond topical treatments.”

“Inside-out approaches, such as natural supplementation, are becoming increasingly recognised and taken up as an alternative method of addressing specific concerns such as skin dullness, skin spots and pigmentation.”

The research also highlighted specific areas of concerns for different age groups, providing a useful but surprising insight. When asked about which skin conditions they wanted their skincare to address, 22% of under 30s and just 16% of over 60s wanted to treat dullness. 17% of under 30s were hoping for a reduction in pigmentation and 24% of those in their 30s hoping for the same, compared with only 10% of those in their 50s and over 60s respectively.

The response from this new research from Entity Health further highlights the absolute need for quality skin advice, thorough consultation, and accurate diagnosis that is easily understood, and above all, a clear differentiation between consumer vs professional grade skincare.

Clients and patients require education that will cut through the marketing hype, buzzwords and trends of consumer/supermarket products, which of course (as the research results demonstrate!) never live up to their claims. And unfortunately for practitioners, trust may need rebuilding after clients have suffered poor results at the hands of ineffective skincare. Let them know they are not alone, that great skin is a journey not a quick fix, that just because an ingredient is trendy doesn’t mean it will work for them, and that they will see results with the correct products and ingredients.

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