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5 Insta post ideas to really engage your clients

5 Insta post ideas to really engage your clients

Looking to mix things up on your Instagram account? With so much incredible content out there, it can be difficult to stand out amongst the crowd. The key is to get creative, and to ensure your usual mix of client photos and in-salon shots are broken up with a few innovative ideas that will really spark some interest and engagement amongst your followers.

Here are some ideas to try:

Time Lapse
These are ideal for treatments and procedures that take a reasonably long amount of time, and/or show fantastic immediate results at the end. Not everyone has an entire minute to dedicate to Instagram videos, so try speeding them up a little. A great example if DMK’s Enzyme Treatment, which can take hours but looks incredible when sped up, or microblading; including the stencilling process.

Instagram: The Aes Clinic


Instagram: The Facial Hub

Breathe new life into your testimonials by creating a beautiful and easy-to-read insta post. Get creative with the design and feel free to mix up the templates so as not to flood your feed with the same style over and over.


Instagram: Dr Phoebe

Shock Factor
Most users love any posts, but in particular videos, for their shock factor, which works incredibly well when creating video content for injectables. Don’t be afraid to show off your incredible treatment results – gone are the days when it was taboo to post images or videos of clients during injectables or other needling treatments – although, finding those that are happy for you to do so is not necessarily an easy feat! Another bonus of doing this is you won’t just have clients and consumers engaged in your posts, but other practitioners scoping out technique as well. And while this may not translate to sales, remember that in this context, it’s all about getting those viewing numbers up.

Instagram: Face Medispa

Capitalise On Style
If you have a particularly stylish spa or clinic, make the most of it. Yes, before and after photos are the heroes when it comes to attracting clients, but never underestimate how much impact and beautifully styled space can be – even a bathroom, if you’re lucky enough to have a killer WC! This doesn’t just go for entire spaces either. You can easily create the perception of opulent overall style with a focus on small luxe details, like a pretty pile of coffee table books, or a single velvet chair. Play around with lighting and reflection too, or any devices that give off any wow-vibes – like Dermalux’s famous neon pink hue.

Instagram: The Skin Fairy


Pics To Gifs
Turn your still images into GIFs or moving slideshows with apps like GIF Creator. This way, you can turn a selection of images into a quick-moving gallery that will catch eyes must faster than a manual slideshow that users must scroll through. Also, you can void the 10 limit rule, and best of all, this particular app downloads as a video file you can actual post on Instagram – unlike .gif files.

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