5 ways to increase salon social media engagement these holidays

Social media strategist Carissa Hill shares five ideas on how salons can increase their social media engagement over the Christmas period.
December can be a CRAZY time of year for salons and sometimes your social media posts and efforts can be forgotten about or rushed…
Sometimes you’re just so busy during the days and so tired at the end of the days that you can’t muster up the energy to think of what to say with your posts, or even to reply to messages well.
There are a few things you can do to make your social media easier for you during the silly season:
1. Schedule posts out for the month and during the holidays. You don’t need to post every day but you can schedule a few posts a week on Facebook and Instagram. This will take the pressure off you completely and you won’t need to post until the new year.
2. Keep your posts simple, engaging and interactive. You shouldn’t be trying to sell your services and promote your work with every single post. You can use memes and even ask your audience interactive questions like: “when do you put your Xmas tree up and when you do take it down? I put ours up in November 🙊 #noshame “ and upload a picture of a tree in your salon.
3. Multiple choice question posts are great to get your audience interacting with you. You could ask questions like “what beauty services do you like to have done for the holidays? A – tan. B – lashes. C – brows. D – facial. E – hair colour” and upload a picture of your work.
4. Promote gift vouchers if your salon sells them. Make sure you do a post once a week, or even a couple of times a week about what you have available and how they work. Tell them they can message you to order or buy on your website (if available).
5. If you want to have some fun on socials this Christmas you could run a Christmas giveaway and ask your followers to comment if they want to win (you decide a service you will giveaway). Make sure to draw the winner before you close for Christmas! This will get people commenting, tagging, sharing and whatever else you ask them to do, growing your audience for the new year!
Carissa Hill is a social media marketing teacher and consultant specialising in helping salons grow with Facebook and Instagram. She grew her own home salon into a chain of shops and set it up to run without them. Follow Carissa at the following links:
Coffee with Carissa Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uncomfortablecoachingcouch
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carissahillcoach
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carissahillcoach/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4ul4Xt4ZYRC2dLPKFjYdVS?si=74da275b279a4e82
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/carissahillcoach
Web: carissa-hill.com