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Online Booking Platform Uses AI to Identify Appointment Gaps, Personalise Client Communication

Online Booking Platform Uses AI to Identify Appointment Gaps, Personalise Client Communication

Kitomba Salon and Spa Software has announced a new partnership with REACH.ai, designed to elevate the capabilities of its online booking system.

The exclusive integration utilises Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automate marketing and booking communications with clients. The service is designed to support busy salon, spa and clinic owners by identifying gaps in their appointment books.

The service recognises quiet periods, as well as gaps caused by last-minute cancellations. Clients who would best be able to fill those gaps are then sent personalised messages, encouraging them to uptake available appointment times.

“Marketing is so important for client retention and generating bookings, but it’s often not given the attention it deserves due to lack of time,” said Kitomba General Manager, Alyssa Dowsett. “REACH.ai solves this problem beautifully, and many of our customers using this integration are seeing amazing results in a short time – one added over a thousand dollars in bookings in a week! We believe this integration is a real game changer for our industry.”

Client feedback is also managed utilising the Reputation AI feature. Emails are automatically sent to return clients following their appointments, asking for feedback on their experience. Negative reviews (1-3 stars) are handed over to the salon to contact the client, while 4-5-star reviews trigger an invitation inviting the client to publish their review on Google. The aim of this function is to help salons build a great reputation online, improve SEO, and attract new clients.

For Patrick Blickman, Co-Founder and CEO of REACH.ai, building this system came in response to the increasing amount of time business owners are spending managing client communications. “We’ve always believed that if REACH.ai can help salons and spas provide a highly personalised client booking and reminder experience that meets the expectations of today’s modern consumers, owners and their staff can focus their attention on what matters most—the clients in front of them.”

Kitomba customers can trial REACH.ai free for 30 days. After a salon has been set-up, REACH.ai takes less than five minutes to activate and requires no training to use. There are no fixed contracts or commitment periods, and users can cancel at any time. 

Learn more about Kitomba’s REACH.ai integration here.

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