Home » Jurlique listed as Certified B Corporation
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Jurlique listed as Certified B Corporation

Global beauty brand Jurlique, which is anchored in Australia, has been officially made a Certified B Corporation, which defines it as a business that meets the highest standards of public transparency, legal accountability, sustainability, and social and environmental performance.

The certification is facilitated by B Lab, which was founded in the USA in 2006, as a non-profit organisation that assesses companies on their overall impact on the environment, the community, their employees and customers. Businesses require a score of 80 points or above in the rigorous certification process in a detailed survey across their social and environmental performance in the five areas of governance, workers, environment, community, and customers. The assessment also ensures the company is modifying its articles of incorporation and other legal governing documents to ensure that its board of directors balances its interests and objectives.

The certification for Jurlique has been the work of a three-year process, built from Jurlique’s positive impact as part of its genesis four decades ago. The company is environmentally focused with ingredients cultivated in its biodynamic farm in the Adelaide Hills, with a consistent approach to regenerative agriculture that respects the land.

“Nature is at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to giving back to the Earth more than what we take,” the brand explained. “We have planted 15,000 trees since 2009, reduced water consumption by 20 per cent since 2015, built 100 per cent solar-powered warehouse facilities, ensured that zero waste has been sent to landfill since 2016, and aligned with 1 per cent for the Planet.”

Sustainability is also a cornerstone of the brand, from product creation for formulation and packaging. A new formulation charter, built in 2022, elevated these efforts, with a stringent selection criteria for all materials, as well as a priority for suppliers with these same values of locally made, low-impact production. Jurlique partners with organisations such as TerraCycle and is a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation for a top-tier approach to sustainability in packaging. The brand also contributes to a sense of community by partnering with organisation and charities that combat climate action, aid areas impacted by bushfires and support local communities, as well as its efforts towards environmental education.

“We have always believed that feeling good starts from within, and over the years have strived to make a positive impact within and beyond our walls, caring for our people and the world around us to make beauty better, from Seed to Skin,” the brand shared. “While we acknowledge the power of collective action, we believe that feeling good and doing good starts with you, with each individual making conscious choices, supporting sustainable practices and taking mindful actions that benefit both our inner selves and the outside world. By becoming a Certified B Corp, we now hold ourselves, as an organisation, legally and transparently accountable to the highest standards of ethics, impact, and sustainability.”

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