Home » O&M Host Made For Originals 2024 Education Event
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O&M Host Made For Originals 2024 Education Event

O&M Host Made For Originals 2024 Education Event

Education delivered festival-style was back as O&M presented an array of local and global educators on various stages to inspire in the world of colour in the brand’s biggest event yet.

Held in Sydney’s White Bay Passenger Terminal on September 15, over 750 guests perused the seven total stages to learn techniques, tips and looks ranging from lived-in blondes, to colour correction and striking brunettes.

The impressive array of presenters consisted of O&M CØR.creators Jaye Edwards, Amelia Jane, Sheridan Shaw, Kim Haberley, Lucas Di Oslo travelling from France, Kindale Godbee all the way from the US, Pauline McCabe, Karl Dawson, and Grace Kelly, alongside O&M Founder Jose Bryce Smith, with Kirsty Anne hosting the day and international artist Tia Lambourn and Melbourne salon owner Martha Boda also joining the panel.

“Made for Originals 2024 was such an incredible day, you could truly feel the energy and love in the room,” Jose shared. “I hope attendees left feeling inspired and empowered not only by our incredible CØR.Creators but the talent and community in the room. I am forever grateful for our community, seeing almost double the hairdressers fill the room from last year’s event shows how far our clean colour movement has come. Watching our CØR.Creators on stage, inspiring fellow artists to dream, discover their true selves, and envision their future, embodies the core O&M message. We exist for the hairdresser, and everything we do is for them.”

A long list of looks were showcased on stage. The brand’s all new O&M Pigments were a feature technology in creating vivid looks, while dimensional and textured blondes and instructions on enhancing colour and style on textured hair were also pivotal looks. The education delved into the true science and art in hair colour, while also presenting editorial and runway looks and hosting activations and networking opportunities.

“I hope attendees left feeling inspired by some of the giants in our industry, and with a deeper understanding of how to approach curly hair from a colourist’s perspective—particularly when it comes to preserving the hair’s integrity while achieving vibrant, lasting results. Working with O&M colour, I’ve developed techniques that prioritise hair health, which is especially critical for curly textures, as they are naturally more prone to dryness and damage,” Kindalee said.

Kindale drew on her expertise in textured hair to create a curly haired colour look, while her fellow international ambassador Lucas created a seamless balayage blonde hair look.

“I am in awe of the O&M community here in Sydney, and I loved every second of this experience. I learnt so much from the other CØR.Creators that I will share with my clients back at home and I can’t wait to come back,” shared Lucas.

The bold looks included Sheridan’s colourful, vivid creations of contrasting oranges, pinks, purples, neon greens and more on sharp bobs, mullets and modern cuts and styles. Grace Kelly’s copper looks on an up style and voluminous blow dry were further stand outs.

“My favourite thing about MFO was bringing the world of O&M pigments to the stage and doing what I love the most, which is creating beautiful, bright colours. O&M is doing it like no other,” Sheridan shared.

“This day was magic beyond words, we truly have the best industry in the world! I am forever grateful to O&M for the love, support and opportunities, this was next level and such an amazing way to get back into education after maternity leave,” Grace added.

Amelia Jane’s transformational beachy look was a lesson in wearable, long-lasting colour, Jaye showcased his viral talents for dimensional brunettes and colour corrections and Pauline showed off high fashion runway looks straight from London and Paris Fashion Weeks.

“One of the most important takeaways from Made For Originals is that knowledge is power. Investing in yourself through continuous education and upskilling is essential for long-term success in the craft of hairdressing,” Pauline said.

“It was incredible to be back at Made For Originals for the second year. I loved meeting everyone and teaching what I’m most passionate about—colour corrections. This industry is only growing bigger and better, and I love being part of it, sharing my love for the craft,” Jaye added.

Kim Haberley’s reverse transformation was another hit, while Karl Dawson offered essential styling education. Further inspiration from all the experts on marketing, social media know-how from these majorly influential hairdressers and hairdressing origin stories offered an intimate, comprehensive feel to the full day of education.

“I’m so thankful to everyone who came to support us at MFO. It was an inspiring day, filled with creative artists both on and off the stage. To everyone who took the time to speak with me, I’m truly grateful—I remember each and every one of you,” Kim said.

“Hosting the styling stage with Grace was the most incredible opportunity, I am still on cloud nine from MFO and so grateful to work with O&M,” Karl added.

Kirsty Anne kept attendees informed and laughing throughout the day in her role as host, while also providing styling expertise.

“It was a huge pinch me moment to host my first ever event, Made For Originals was truly a highlight of my career and I hope everyone walked away feeling inspired as ever,” she said.

The brand went beyond this creative education with a wellness session from Jake Putan, focusing on breath work and manifestation that speaks to O&M’s conscious values. A final panel session, presented after the final looks were revealed, gave further business insights, while technical colour information presented on the stages, in digital tutorials and with formulas written on the stage mirrors ensured attendees could truly take the education back to their salons.

The festival fun came in droves, with over $10,000 in prizes in event activations, thanks to sponsors Dyson, Molly Vie, Hello Bleach, Jaye Haircare, Jadore, and Atache, with an arcade-style claw machine as a highlight. The MFO After Dark party ended the festivities at the end of the day, with networking, frivolity and connection at its centre.

“I loved every second of Made For Originals, my favourite moments were connecting with and meeting so many incredible artists and the opportunity to share my passion and techniques is so fulfilling,” shared Amelia Jane. “I want to thank everyone who attended for inspiring me and for allowing me to share my love and support, I’m incredibly proud and grateful to be a part of this movement.”

Until next year.

For more information visit www.originalmineralpro.com

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