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How The Aesthetic Collective’s Expertise Can Help Grow Your Business

How The Aesthetic Collective’s Expertise Can Help Grow Your Business

Amplify your business with leading aesthetic industry marketing experts, The Aesthetic Collective.

Marketing is a crucial cornerstone in any business. When executed well, it can provide major growth for your business, however, not every business owner has enough spare time to put together these fundamentals. Considering social media is also a key in modernised marketing, this is also another factor that must be well-executed. So, what if you don’t have enough time for your business’s marketing? Who do you outsource? The Aesthetic Collective is your answer.

SPA+CLINIC catches up with The Aesthetic Collective’s Founder & Director, Chloe McGrath.

“With extensive jargon, ever-changing platforms and strict regulations, marketing in the aesthetics industry isn’t always easy.”

Chloe McGrath, Founder & Director – The Aesthetic Collective

Pictured: Chloe McGrath (Founder & Director)

What sparked the idea to create The Aesthetic Collective?

It was more of an answer to the call from the industry looking for a trusted partner to hand over marketing responsibility, than the spark of an idea.

More than 10 years ago I was working in this industry through my mum’s marketing consultancy, I had heard from many business owners who wanted to outsource their marketing to a trusted partner, but there was no obvious solution available. That led to the creation of The Aesthetic Collective almost five years ago: a boutique, consumer-facing, accessible marketing solution. 

It is not uncommon for me to receive calls from business owners within this industry who are in tears after investing thousands in other companies, ending up with nothing more than warning letters from the TGA.

What are some common misconceptions or fears that business owners have when it comes to social media?

A lot of the fears we hear about relate to the time customers think they will need to invest. We aim to make it as easy as possible for business owners; some like to be deeply immersed in the process, some have no time and don’t want to know anything about it and we are happy to work with either! We’ve heard stories from business owners having to create content and write captions with other companies. If that’s the case, why wouldn’t you just manage your own socials? 

After operating Aesthetic Collective for five years, one of my favourite experiences is hearing the sigh of relief from potential clients during our discovery calls, when I tell them that they don’t need to oversee what we do. This reminds me that what we do makes a difference, everyday.

Another common concern is around pricing. We have set standard pricing, but because most marketing companies don’t usually list their package pricing publicly, there’s usually an assumption that the investment will be thousands. At The Aesthetic Collective, we have a wide range of packages with varying pricing to ensure we have a solution to suit everyone’s budgets. Plus, if none of them work, we are always happy to create a custom package so there’s a solution for any budget.

How do you think social media has changed the way of marketing?

Social media has provided businesses with a more intimate and authentic way of presenting their brand. In the past, radio, TV and print ads needed to be clean, crisp and professional – social media is moving into a more authentic, less curated space. We encourage our clients to post their bloopers and outtakes, get on board with funny trends that will show their softer, more personal side which is not something we would have ever considered doing before!

The cost-friendly nature of using social media as a marketing tool also allows businesses to get up and running with less overhead costs, lowering the barrier to entry. You no longer need to invest in costly and long lead-time campaigns in print or TV to allow potential customers to discover your business. Now, we can help you grow your customer base with little more than our experience, a phone and wifi. 

Explain the process of what a client can expect when they begin their social media marketing journey with you and your team?

Between your enquiry and our first discovery call, we do our research into who you are and how you are currently presented on social media, your competitor set and target audience – this allows us to develop a shortlist of where we would need to start and potential gaps that may need to be filled by our social media strategy. 

During your discovery call, we will work with you to develop a preliminary strategy of what features of your business will be focused on; what your USPs (Unique Selling Propositions) are, what makes you the preferred solution for consumers and how we can best represent your brand.

By the time we have our ducks in a row, you will have a month of activity scheduled, a link you can view all the content on and give feedback, and going forward, we anticipate maybe a couple of hours a month to generate and share any content we need to get you moving forward. 

Because we have deep industry experience, our customers don’t spend time checking our info on technology, treatments and products. As we have worked for so many industry suppliers, it’s uncommon that we haven’t worked with your technology or products before. Having that intimate knowledge is a real time-saver and clients get the most out of our time with them.

To find out more, visit The Aesthetic Collective’s website here, or take a look at their instagram @aestheticsocialmarketing.

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