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Salon Profile: Amirova Cosmetic Clinic, Home to the Oxylight Facial Treatment

Salon Profile: Amirova Cosmetic Clinic, Home to the Oxylight Facial Treatment

Sofia Amirova, the founder of Sydney’s luxurious Amirova Cosmetic Clinic, chats to Anita Quade about her passion for combining the world’s best technology and products with a holistic approach to deliver the stunning results to her clients.

Anita Quade: Tell us what originally sparked your interest in the skincare industry?

Sofia Amirova: “I have been fascinated by the beauty industry ever since I was a child in Moldova (where I was born and lived until I moved to Australia) as beauty is such an integral part there.”

You started working in the beauty industry in 2011 how did it all start?

I was working as a registered nurse in a major hospital and began to realise that my skills and experience were not only transferable, but could be a real asset, in the beauty industry which was becoming far more ‘clinical’ due to the growing popularity of invasive skin treatments and injectables.

I started studying aesthetics and then after completing my diploma began my career as an aesthetic nurse practitioner. I then worked at several clinics around Australia before eventually opening my own clinic, Amirova in Sydney in 2017.”

What is it you love most about the skincare and beauty landscape?

“I love the people who work in it (suppliers and therapists) as well as all my clients! I love the industry so much as I truly believe that it is so empowering for the women who work in it and our clients.

Many people dismiss aesthetic treatments (and the whole industry) as superficial and unimportant, but I, and everyone who works in the industry, know that almost nothing makes women (and men) feel happier than knowing they look great.

I truly love the fact that every day at Amirova our treatments help our clients look their very best and give them the confidence they need to live their best lives – whether that means re-entering the workforce, applying for a better job, joining a gym, registering for online dating or even just attending a school reunion or some other big social event.”

The industry is constantly evolving – what are some of the biggest changes you have seen?

“Apart from the obvious changes we have all lived through since the arrival of Covid-19 in 2019, I think the biggest changes haven’t been in the technology and treatments now available (although they really are amazing) but in people’s attitudes towards them.

Ten years ago most of my clients, particularly older ones, were obsessed with trying to hide the fact that they had treatments (particularly injectables) from their family and friends, but nowadays they are so much more open about them and are even happy to share their results with family and friends and even thousands of strangers on social media.

I think this is a fantastic change. No one should ever feel ashamed of wanting to look their best – aesthetic treatments should be viewed as an important part of selfcare because that’s what they actually are.”

You have such a beautiful space for your Amirova Clinic – tell us how you chose this location?

“I opened my first clinic in Alexandria five years ago but, even though I loved the space I created, I had to find somewhere new last year as it simply wasn’t big enough to meet the needs of our ever-growing list of clients.

I knew my new space had to be a bit bigger but I also wanted it to be closer to the city in a beautiful area that is highly accessible (parking and public transport) as our clients come from all over Sydney.

As soon as I saw the new space in Waterloo (just three kilometres, from the CBD) I knew it was just perfect.”

The external view of Amirova Cosmetic Clinic, Waterloo

It has such beautiful features and accents – where did you source your interior pieces?

“I am a minimalist and truly believe there is nothing more beautiful than simplicity so once I had the basics (the reception desk, the treatment beds, the equipment and products), I honestly didn’t have to buy any decorative pieces at all – I just ‘repurposed’ a few of my favourites – like my lamp from my first clinic”

What is the vibe that you are going for?

“I am trying to create a peaceful oasis in a safe clinical space so that clients can ‘escape’ from the pressures of their daily lives and focus solely on their aesthetic needs.”

You have an incredible list of treatments on offer – which ones are the most popular?

  • Oxylight Facial Treatment
  • Venus Versa Tribella
  • Future Anti-Stress Facial

What are the major skincare concerns of clients?

“Like most clients, my clients just want their skin to look healthy – they want it to be as clear and smooth as possible without any obvious pigmentation, lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores or scars etc. However, most of them are overwhelmed by all the treatment and product choices available so my role is to help them choose the best treatments and products to get the results they want within their budget, time and other lifestyle constraints.”

The Oxylight Facial Treatment is among the latest additions to your clinic – how did you discover this?

“I have been following Joanna Chezh (the New York-based aesthetician/skin specialist whose extensive celebrity client list includes Anna Wintour, Kim Kardashian and Christy Turlington) on Instagram for several years as she is my number one inspiration.

I admire her innovative mindset (she is renowned for combining the latest technologies with timeless facial massage techniques) and her bespoke approach to client treatments (her customised treatments are based on ‘the condition of the skin” rather than type) so I am always interested in the treatments she offers. Once I saw the amazing results she was getting with the Oxylight I got in touch with the supplier straight away.”

What are the benefits/What skin concerns does the Oxylight target?

“As the OxyLight delivers five therapies – diamond dermabrasion, edema and lymphatic system cleansing, high pressure, biosonix ultrasound, myolight microcurrent and led light therapy – in the one treatment, it can treat a wide range of skin concerns including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dryness and dehydration
  • Loss of firmness
  • Sun damage
  • Puffiness
  • Dark circles
  • Dullness and congestion
  • Sensitive and irritated skin
  • Pigmentation.”

You also have the Venus Concept Viva – tell us about how you choose the best technology devices to invest in?

“I spend a lot of time on research. I am always looking for the latest technology that can deliver the results that my clients want but like everyone else, I don’t want to waste my money on a device (however good it is) that is going to end up just sitting in a corner of the clinic because clients aren’t willing to pay for the treatment.

Therefore, before buying or leasing any device, I always spend a lot of time speaking to the supplier and ‘testing’ the device on myself and others and finding out what after-sale support (technical, education and marketing) the supplier offers.”

You have your own signature skincare – tell us how you launched this and how this has evolved?

“Ever since opening the doors to Amirova, I have focussed on sourcing the best beauty products and equipment from around the world and think I have done that quite successfully. Although I stock iS Clinical and Future Drops, just before the Covid lockdown I decided that I could offer something else that is suitable for ‘Australian skin’ to my clients.

After spending a lot of time researching the latest skincare developments, I teamed up with a cosmetic chemist to create the Amirova Cosmetic Clinic medical-grade skincare range.

The range is designed to treat inflammatory skin conditions that are chronic in this sunburnt country with biomimetic formulae that work with, not against, skin to restore its optimal health. It really is my pride and joy as I believe it gives my clients the best possible chance to heal conditions such as hyperpigmentation, premature ageing, rosacea, acne and eczema without any aggressive ingredients or treatments.”

How do you manage to juggle it all?

“It’s not easy but I just set and focus on my own goals and never give up. I push myself so hard and have such big expectations and find myself in most uncomfortable situations, but I am truly a believer that it is the only way we grow and change. Transformation – That’s what I do. That’s my passion. That’s my business. That’s our industry.”

How important is education to you?

“Education is extremely important to me. Since the beginning of my career as an aesthetic nurse practitioner, I have invested heavily in educating myself by attending courses around Australia and internationally as well as online.”

What are your plans for 2023?

“I plan to keep on growing Amirova Cosmetic Clinic so it continues to meet the rapidly changing demands of my clients while making time, as always, to focus on my own physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing too.”

This article first appeared in the November-December 2022 print edition of Professional Beauty.

Read the current issue of our digital magazine here:

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