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Employee wellness

Employee wellness

If a salon’s staff are recognised as the face and personality of the business, what extra measures can an owner implement to support their team?

This topic was discussed in length at the seventh Professional Beauty Industry Roundtable – The Inspired Salon – where suppliers and salon professionals joined forces to confront industry challenges in the modern era.

Our participants discussed in length the merits and challenges of implementing an employee wellness programme that focused on therapists’ physical and mental well-being.

In attendance was Dermalogica general manager Kristie Millgate, Dermatonics co-founder Donna Lee Marcal, awarded salon owner and educator Gay Wardle, Bohéme Skin and Beauty owner Kim Baker, Endota SON Group owner Sally Cantwell and Heavenly Retreat Skin Correction Beauty Spa owner Helen Gerasimou, who unanimously agreed your staff were your best asset.

Our industry experts stressed the importance of regular communication, tailored training and incentives or rewards to help keep them employees happy and loyal.

Kim said at Bohéme Beauty a stock standard wellness programme didn’t work and it was about checking in one-on-one with each staff member.

Sally said she spent a lot of time at Endota Spa making sure that she listened to her therapists and that flexibility was important.

Gay said it was expensive to employ someone so you wanted to keep them for a long time, and it was important they understood the culture of the business right from the beginning.

Kristie said it was important to make staff accountable as they wanted to be a part of the Dermalogica business and feel as though they were progressing.

Helen said she liked to look after her staff at Heavenly Retreat by cooking up a storm and taking in lunch for all of the staff.

Donna said at Dermatonics it was about making sure all of the employees at a particular clinic were comfortable with their products and communication was extremely important.