ghd launches styler to support Breast Cancer Foundation

To celebrate 15-years of supporting breast cancer charities, ghd has collaborated with tattoo artist, David Allen. On July 1st they will re-imagine their gold and platinum+ stylers with an original design based on David’s acclaimed work.
For the better part of a decade, David has made it his mission to help women reclaim their femininity after breast cancer by decorating their mastectomy scars with elegant floral designs. These empowering designs have been transferred on to the ghd limited edition stylers to support the cause behind them.
David worked with 38-year-old breast cancer survivor, Grace Lombardo, following her double mastectomy and reconstruction.
“Cancer takes away more than your breasts. It takes your hair, your confidence. But my tattoo is something I decided to have because I wanted to take back control,” says Grace.
The Ink on Pink range aims to help raise money for Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand. Twenty dollars from every limited edition styler sold goes directly towards the charity to help them continue their vital work: improving early detection, investing in research and supporting patients.