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Here’s What Happened At This Year’s CUTERA University Clinical Forum

Here’s What Happened At This Year’s CUTERA University Clinical Forum

Including the most anticipated device launch of the year, AviClear.

Last weekend, we spent two full days with industry leaders at CUTERA’s CUCF 2024 at W Hotel in Melbourne. CUCF is one of those events in our B2B calendar that is highly popular, as was this year, selling out completely several weeks prior. Around 200 practitioners, including many dermatologists, dermal clinicians, doctors, and clinic owners attended the device company’s conference and were excited to learn all about CUTERA’s suite of devices, and more.

CUCF Welcome Drinks at Curious Bar

But before the learning commenced, we got together at W’s incredible Curious Bar for Welcome Drinks on Friday night. CUTERA’s Co-Director, Jay Cheep, welcomed guests, speakers, and introduced CUTERA’s international CEO, Taylor Harris, and CUTERA president, Brent Hauser, who were in attendance to experience, as they said, one of the “strongest CUTERA teams globally”.

A panel of experts answered questions from delegates

Saturday was largely dedicated to CUTERA’s exciting launch of AviClear, the world’s only laser directly targeting the sebaceous glands, therefore helping to clear acne effectively and without drugs. CUTERA flew in the device’s creator and engineer, Michael Karavitis, Ph.D, Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, CUTERA, to explain how he came up with the idea and what the process of engineering this laser was like. It was incredibly interesting to hear from the creator himself and see how passionate he is in continuing to develop cutting-edge technology that can transform patients’ lives.

This was followed by Australia’s AviClear Ambassadors, Dr Ryan de Cruz, Dr Andrew Freeman, Dr Natasha Cook, Prof Greg Goodman, and Dr Shobhan Manoharan, taking the stage and presenting their experience with the AviClear over the past few months. They all agreed that this device had revolutionised and improved the way they can treat their acne patients, and that they were excited to see long-term results, which have shown to be promising overseas where AviClear has been used for about two years. We also heard from a patient who had suffered from debilitating acne for years leading to severe mental health problems, and who felt AviClear had given him a new lease on life. It was powerful and refreshing hearing a patient’s perspective.

There were presentations on CUTERA’s other devices, of course, such as the excel V+, the enlighten, the xeo, and truBody, but CUTERA made sure the program wasn’t just about them, but included valuable business and integrated health topics as well. We loved hearing from Dr Nyati Sharma on the relation between gut health and acne, Sculpt Founder Angelica Mesisca’s insights on branding and the client experience, and marketing expert Laine van Deventer’s tips on how to effectively and compliantly advertise on social media and google.

The social event of the weekend was a Masquerade Ball at ALTO, a snazzy rooftop bar in the heart of Melbourne. The idea was to ‘hide’ behind masks like so many acne sufferers unfortunately feel like doing, only to reveal our faces and ‘free’ ourselves collectively thanks to transformative skin solutions like AviClear. There was great music, great food, and great company – what’s not to love?!

CUCF attendees mingled and networked all weekend, and it was heartening to feel a genuine sense of excitement and collaboration in the industry. In many presentations, practitioners mentioned how they cross refer to colleagues in the industry whenever they feel their patients would benefit from seeing someone else or getting a treatment they don’t offer at their clinics, showing that collaboration trumps competition.

We thoroughly enjoyed CUCF 2024 and have created a special edition SPA+CLINIC magazine, which was available in print exclusively to all CUCF delegates, but you can read our digital version below. In this mini mag, you will find everything you need to know about CUTERA’s suite of devices, including, of course, AviClear. We interviewed the cover stars Dr Ryan de Cruz, Dr Andrew Freeman, Dr Natasha Cook, Prof Greg Goodman, and Dr Shobhan Manoharan, who share their insights, so make sure you check it out at the bottom of this article and enjoy some photos from the conference:

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