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How to bounce back from a bad review

How to bounce back from a bad review

Bad reviews – we all get them – even when we don’t deserve them. Since it just isn’t possible to please everyone, bad reviews are sadly inevitable, and with increasing numbers of ‘red flag’ clients with unrealistic expectations and social media making it incredibly easy to spread negative sentiments, they are simply impossible to avoid.

Of course, if an unreasonable or false review has been left for your clinic online, such as Facebook or Google, you should absolutely follow this up through the platform’s official channels. But it isn’t just your public reputation at stake. What about those unkind words that are left through private message, or word of mouth? Even when they come from unreasonable clients that are impossible to please, when you and your team did the right thing and the situation couldn’t have been avoided? Even when you know they’re wrong?

We’re all human, and even for the most consummate professionals, groundless words can hurt – or at least ruin your day. So what are some ways we can pick ourselves back up again?

Regroup with your team
Regardless of who or what the bad review is about, in most cases, your entire team will be affected. Negative words about your spa or clinic, a colleague, or the practice manager/head practitioner will always cause ripple effects among fellow team members, particular in an industry in which therapists and practitioners are often extremely passionate. Talk about it openly and regroup together, have a little staff meeting and take the opportunity as manager to inspire your team with kind words of motivation, reminding them that their good work far outweighs the bad – and of course, that there are plenty of ‘can’t be pleased’ cases out there!

Look back on your ‘thank you’s
If you’ve received some beautiful thank you cards, gifts or bottles of wine from clients, look back through them. Grab some of your cards and re-read them. Think about how many clients’ lives you have changed for the better.

Create a folder for positive messages
Since most of your reviews and messages are likely sent through social media nowadays, create a folder, and begin screenshotting all of your positive messages, comments, and feedback. Pop them in the folder for moments like these – they’re sure to lift your spirits.

Consult your before and after collection
Whether it’s your own private folder or simply stalking your own Instagram grid, revisit the work you’ve done in the past, reminding yourself what a talented practitioner you are, and let yourself remember for a moment “hey you know what? I’m great at what I do, and I do a fantastic job!”