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Meet The Hair Heroes! 5 Doctors Tell Us Why They Love Hair Restoration With NeoGraft

Meet The Hair Heroes! 5 Doctors Tell Us Why They Love Hair Restoration With NeoGraft

SPA+CLINIC speaks with Dr Michael O’Gorman, Dr Ahmed AlSultan, Dr Ricky Sia, Dr Matt Holman and Dr Anh about their first-choice for hair restoration surgery.

Hair restoration surgery can be life changing for those who undergo it, and from the surgeon’s perspective, the performance of devices used during the surgery are crucial. These devices must deliver a precise, meticulous finish to combine both medicine and art and restore a patient’s confidence. We spoke with 5 doctors who specialise in hair restoration on their choice of device, the NeoGraft by Venus Concept, and why they have chosen this device for this practice.

Dr Michael O’Gorman, Renewed Confidence Clinic, VIC

Dr Michael O’Gorman, Renewed Confidence Clinic, VIC

Why did you decide to include hair restoration in your practice?

After 18 years in cosmetic medicine, I decided to create a new clinic with services extending into areas which help to restore my patient’s self-confidence. I identified hair loss and sexual dysfunction as two important areas in which I could help patients overcome the shyness in talking about their concerns and provide effective treatment solutions for them. And so I named my clinic ‘Renewed Confidence’.

How do you pick the right clients for hair restoration?

In cosmetic medicine, one of my mottos is that the secret lies in the consultation. A comprehensive hair loss consultation is a very holistic view of the patient’s health journey to date and that of their family members. I assess the extent of their current hair loss and predict their future hair loss to ensure they are suitable for a hair transplant – not just today but that this transplant will continue to serve

them well with respect to any future hair loss. I utilise many forms of assessment including examination, investigations, densitometry, photography, and classification scale of severity of hair loss for both the patient and their family.

What is your favourite element of the NeoGraft technology?

There are many elements of the NeoGraft technology that I love, but if I have to choose one, I would say the method of suctioning the donor graft out of the biopsied site for storage and irrigation. This takes away the need to extract the graft manually and reduces potential trauma to the graft from extraction forceps and manual handling. Genius!

Dr Ahmed AlSultan, Associate at Dr Michael Zacharia, NSW

Dr Ahmed AlSultan, Associate at Dr Michael Zacharia, NSW

Why did you decide to include hair restoration in your practice?

Hair is like a crown on peoples’ heads that is only observed by those who have lost it. Hair transplant can restore not only hair but peoples’ lives. It can bring them joy, and make them feel more youthful, energetic, and much more confident to engage in social activities and arguably opens more career opportunities. Among an endless list of aesthetic surgeries, I see hair restoration sits at the top rank in achieving the most positive changes in people’s life and that is why I decided to include hair restoration in my practice.

How do you choose the best clients for hair restoration?

The best candidates for surgical hair restoration are those with male pattern baldness (inherited) who still have good quality hair that is abundant enough to cover the area of their expectations and who are solidly committed to the hair transplant aftercare.

What is your favourite element of the NeoGraft technology?

It is the most advanced technology in hair restoration surgery to date. It uses a gentle motorised rotation around each graft to puncture the

scalp with superb precision followed by a very controlled pneumatic suction pressure to extract the graft from the scalp without risking trauma to the graft. What I also like is the adjustability of these parameters on a colourful smart touch screen to tailor specifically for individual variation in scalp characteristics. NeoGraft has proven excellence in patients satisfaction. It is safe, minimally invasive with no sutures needed and as a result patients experience rapid recovery. NeoGraft is the hair transplant industry transformation pioneer.

Dr Ricky Sia, Eleventh Heaven, QLD

Dr Ricky Sia, Eleventh Heaven, QLD

Why did you decide to include hair restoration in your practice?

Empowering confidence elegantly and tracelessly via a scientific and holistic approach to cosmetic medicine has always been my philosophy at Eleventh Heaven. Having listened to many of our patients, we have come to realise that a significant portion of our patients and public in Queensland are suffering from hair loss, which hugely impacts on their self-confidence without knowing the availability of hair restoration as a permanent option. Wanting to assist these patients to regain their confidence back, I decided to marry my aesthetic eyes and great passion in meticulous procedures, and started offering hair restoration solution.

NeoGraft is the named brand and industry pioneer in follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair restoration with proven results as an effective solution for hair loss. Eleventh Heaven is proud to be the first clinic in Queensland to be able to offer this revolutionary technology to assist patients with hair loss, especially those with mild to moderate hair loss and is committed to the journey of transformation.

What is your favourite element of the NeoGraft technology?

My favourite element of the technology is its automated pneumatic system that can control the depth of incision with reduced trauma and increased harvesting speed that helps to preserve graft viability. Our patients report quick recovery with minimal discomfort even on day one post procedure. NeoGraft allows patients to return to their daily activities a lot quicker and is a lot more comfortable unlike other harvesting methods. Most importantly, NeoGraft has an undeniably superior safety profile and very high patient satisfaction.

Dr Matt Holman, SA and NSW

Dr Matt Holman, SA and NSW

Why did you decide to include NeoGraft in your practice?

I chose to incorporate hair transplant into my practice when NeoGraft became available as it’s a quantum leap in technology that streamlines the procedure and most importantly greatly improves the graft survival rate to around 90%. NeoGraft® is a revolutionary FUE (follicular unit graft extraction) hair restoration system that has brought new meaning to hair restoration. By providing a mechanically-assisted, minimally invasive alternative to manual (FUE), it eliminates the inefficiencies of manual tools.

The result is a reduced treatment time, no linear scars and fast recovery. The motorised hand-piece with integrated suction means that the punch insertion can be made shallower and the hair is gently withdrawn by gentle suction straight into fluid without the need to manually remove the follicle with forceps. With NeoGraft, you can restore patients’ hair, even if there’s not a lot of follicles at the back of their heads.

Dr Anh Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics, WA

Dr Anh Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics, WA

How do you pick the right clients for hair restoration?

With any procedure, client selection is of paramount importance. As trained plastic surgeons we know the limits of what is possible, and never try to over-promise our patients. Being aware of what we can achieve is an important component of client selection, however I’d argue that the most important part is managing patient expectations. People come to us for our expert opinions and an idea of their desired outcomes. It’s up to us to work with a patient to manage their expectations to make sure they line up with what is possible.

Why did you decide to include NeoGraft in your practice?

Surgical and non-surgical techniques are being refined constantly, so it was wonderful to learn of NeoGraft. We loved the concept of NeoGraft because it brought the hair transplant into the 21st century. The older style of hair transplant required a strip to be taken from the patient’s head and left a large scar. We selected NeoGraft because it did not require the strip to be harvested. We love that we are able to transform lives without leaving scars behind. Obviously it’s a big bonus for the patients, too.

This article was originally published in issue 90 of SPA+CLINIC

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