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Questions you need in your client surveys

Questions you need in your client surveys

Do you conduct client surveys? Either physically in-clinic or electronically via email? If you do, you need to ensure you’re asking the right questions. Surveys are something that shouldn’t be conducted too frequently, or you’re simply going to bother your clients. So, be sure to think carefully and strategically about each and every question before presenting to your clients or hitting the ‘send’ button.

The simplest way, not to mention quickest and easiest for your clients to complete, are rating scales (such as numbering 1 to 5) across a number of key areas, along with specific questions to gain insights into where clients are coming from, how they are making bookings, and the treatments themselves. Remember to tailor questions to suit both new clients and regulars. Areas should include:

Introduction & booking – your survey should capture the client experience from the very outset, and this includes the phone, email or online booking. Which one did they use? How was their experience? Did the receptionist answer all of their questions satisfactorily? Was the online booking system easy for them to navigate?

Inside your spa or clinic – likely the largest area of your survey, with so many areas you can explore. What was their first impression? How quickly were they greeted after entering? If you’re a holistic day spa, you may want to know what your clients feel upon entering, if they enjoy the smells and the sounds.

Ask clients about the cleanliness, to see whether this needs improvement. How did they find the décor? The furniture? The choice of drinks available? Do they have any suggestions for you?

Your staff
Find out how your clients feel about your team. Clients may feel more inclined to share this type of personal feedback in an anonymous environment. Were both reception and treatment staff professional and polite? Did they make you comfortable with your treatment, answer all questions and provide a thorough consultation? How was their homecare advice?

This is also where you may ask questions very unique to your branding and your mission, such as ‘did your therapist make you feel at peace/inspired/motivated for change?’ Or perhaps ‘pressured to purchase?’

The treatment
This section doesn’t have to be tailored towards individual treatments, but you may find better insights by conducting separate surveys for drastically different areas, such as spa & wellness vs injectables or laser. Broader questions can include how they found the treatment room, if the bed was comfortable, if the instructions were clear, their thoughts about the timing, and how they felt throughout.

Final thoughts
The final steps of the client journey are as important as the first! Find out how your clients feel when they walk out the door. Did they feel their visit was good value? Would, or do they, recommend you? Always leave plenty of room for open feedback, suggestions and comments.