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Should professional skincare be available for purchase online?

Should professional skincare be available for purchase online?

The skincare industry has seen a significant shift in recent years, with consumers increasingly turning to online platforms for their beauty needs. The advent of e-commerce has revolutionised the way people shop, offering convenience and accessibility like never before. The recent partnership between Australian clinical skincare brand Alpha-H and skincare distributor BLC has sparked a debate on whether professional skincare, traditionally associated with in-clinic treatments, should be made available for purchase online.

Alpha-H’s new distribution deal with BLC aims to provide clinics access to their exclusive range of professional formulations, including acclaimed Alpha-Hydroxy peels. This move is in response to the evolving consumer habits, as indicated by independent consumer research that highlights 17% of engaged skincare users purchase their skincare from clinics, with 1 in 3 stating that skin therapists have a significant impact on their purchase decisions.

Traditionally, skincare treatments involving chemical peels and professional formulations were only available in-clinic, under the guidance of trained professionals. However, the rise of at-home skincare routines and the demand for immediate results have paved the way for brands like Alpha-H to bridge the gap between professional treatments and at-home care.

We spoke to Tina Randello, Chief Commercial Officer of Alpha-H, to learn more about this consumer-focused decision.

What led to the decision of omni-channel distribution for Alpha-H x BLC?

Alpha-H’s DNA is anchored in the clinical channel. In fact, our cult favourite Liquid Gold™ Exfoliating Treatment is modelled off a clinical peel and was originally designed to extend the results achieved from in-clinic peels by complementing as a safe and effective exfoliation treatment for home use. Alpha-H has always offered a clinical channel exclusive range and protocols across Australia and Europe, the new relationship with BLC allows Alpha-H to scale our clinical presence in a considered way.
Our Europe business has been a great test case to show how retail and clinics can work very synergistically – clinics notice the impact when retailers educate and promote the brand and benefits of exfoliation as such strong voices of influence in the market and retailers perform most strongly when located near Alpha-H clinics. Replicating this success model in Australia after perfecting it in Europe was the trigger to re-launch and energise our Australian clinics business. 

How has the feedback been so far from clinics/salons?

Feedback has been very encouraging, progressive owners are seeing the benefit of partnering with a well known brand that sells itself post treatment and can use its social presence to support clinics and create demand. We are also hearing positive feedback about how the brand slots in well alongside existing brands as their “chemical peel specialist expert” and how the peel protocols can be performed alone or bolted onto or into existing protocols. The flexibility in range and offer, as well as the significant profile of Alpha-H, are the common themes.

What further improvements to the skincare market is Alpha-H looking to provide when it comes to consumer behaviour?

We know great skin health combines regular in-clinic treatments with consistent at-home product use. As one of a small group of brands that straddle both top tier retail and clinic segments of the market, it’s our intention to leverage this position for the benefit of our retailers, clinics and customers. We intend to bridge the gap between retail and clinics, providing the support our clinics need to compete where they need it most – in demand creation and brand awareness, in addition to all the things you would expect from a great clinical brand – proven science and efficacy! We intend to work collaboratively with clinic partners across marketing and innovation and embed our partners into the heart of our business.

Alpha-H will have commenced their partnership with BLC from August 2023.

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