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Skincare’s growing consumer base

Skincare’s growing consumer base

Skincare companies have had to address the expansion in demand from older consumers to a growing younger consumer base, especially as people are beginning to use skin care at an increasingly young age in a bid to delay the signs of ageing.

There’s no denying prevention starting at a younger age is a positive thing, our skincare experts agreed at the most recent Professional Beauty industry roundtable, focusing on the future of skincare.

However, our participants were alarmed at some of the trends social media was normalising for some people.

All of our attendees – Alpha-H founder Michelle Doherty, managing director Derma Aesthetics Simone Vescio, Skintifix founder Robyn McAlpine, Skin Correctives owner Karen Meiring de Gonzalez, Brand and Business Strategy founder Olivier Duvillard and DMK Australia New Zealand national sales manager Eddie Norcross – said that looking after skin from a young age was to be encouraged, but realistic expectations needed to be managed.

Michelle said one of the things that Alpha-H was included more campaigns around SPF and using younger influencers to portray this.

Karen said younger clients, who usually were being treated for acne, all wanted to be “picture-perfect” because of social media influences and although it could be unrealistic, it encouraged teens to see her sooner rather than later.

Simone said it was important for parents to be as much on board as the children or teenagers they were treating so they fully understood the long-term investment in treating youngsters.

Olivier said the trend on makeup and contouring for young girls was resulting in a lot of bad skin who were applying layers of makeup everyday and were not removing it properly.

Eddie said young men didn’t have the option to cover up their skin with makeup so they were more likely to be “stuck in this psychological never-ending cycle”.

Robyn said social media had definitely “changed the game” when it came to accessing a new market in a younger generation because there was such a need for it.

Watch the video below to see the full discussion and make sure you visit our Roundtable hub to see what else our industry superstars had to say on the future of skincare.