St Tropez takes on fake tan shamers

St Tropez is tackling the stigma surrounding fake tans with a motivational campaign entitled ‘You Set the Tone’.
The launch of the campaign follows the release of a survey which found that one in three UK women who have fake tans are “being shamed” in real life and online.
According to the survey of 16-55 year-old-women, 60 percent of women who have experienced “judging looks and insults” said that their “confidence was seriously knocked, they went straight home, and/or they did not wish to leave the house”.
In addition, 44 percent of the women surveyed admitted that they “judge” other females for wearing a sunless tan whilst 70 percent admitted that a badly applied tan is the Number 1 reason they “judge” other females.
In a bid to fight such shaming, St Tropez’s new campaign aims to highlight that tanning “is more about how you feel than how you look” and “empowering women to feel more confident, every day”.
The company said that the survey’s findings are shocking “in an age where positive body confidence messages are high on the agenda in schools, the workplace and from consumer brands”.
“Feeling shame can impact negatively on women’s wellbeing, confidence and mental health.
“It appears that it’s women who need to start supporting the cause.”
The campaign, which “puts the Self back in self tan”, has the support of philanthropist and charity founder Katie Piper.

“I’m backing St.Tropez’s ‘You Set the Tone’ campaign as it’s vitally important for women to feel confident in their own skin and with their own bodies, and if a beauty product or regime can help them achieve this, it can only be positive,” she said.
“Every woman has an individual reason for how they wear their make-up or hair and it’s no different with self tan.
“Tanning doesn’t just add colour, it can also help to even out skin tone, cover up pigmentation or redness, allow you to wear less make up or go without heavy foundations.”
St Tropez tanning expert Michaella Bolder said the company was doing everything it could to help women feel confident wearing self tan.
“Self tanning in itself can be a bit intimidating and if the main reason women are being judged on their tan is poor application then St .Tropez are doing everything they can to provide products which are mistake-proof – after all, it’s the safest way to tan,” she said.
“Tanning isn’t a one look fits all, for some it’s a deep dark bronze but for the majority, it’s a natural, healthy post-holiday glow – but most importantly, it’s one that suits them.
“It’s empowering to be able to offer women that feeling of confidence and positivity all year round.”