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View the AHIA Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year Collection

View the AHIA Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year Collection

Danny Pato debuted a new hair art offering by way of a collection titled The Nomad Queens, winning the title of Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year at the Australian Hair Industry Awards (Creative) on July 1. After winning the title of New Zealand Hairdresser of the Year so many times, Danny had to take a break from entering that category and turned his attention to inspiring in Avant Garde instead.

“When I was up here last year, when I realised I’d have to step down for two years from New Zealand Hairdresser of the Year category, I thought I’d take a break. Maybe do some gardening, cook some dinners, and have a life, but I got bored, and no one likes my cooking,” Danny said on social media, also telling the story on stage as he accepted the award. “I couldn’t help myself and I had to go back to my creativity and my passion. How special it is to keep creating.”

Alongside Stevie English, Danny also won the awards’ first Medal of Honour, acknowledging Danny’s three consecutive awards in the category of New Zealand Hairdresser of the Year.

The creative collection showcases Danny’s usual mastery of colour, shape and texture in a vivid, kaleidoscopic interpretation of hair art. Clashing animal style fashion prints, hair colours and hair materials are set against colourful backdrops, overwhelming and inspiring the senses in full.

“In a future utopia, a band of royal sisters rule the world in peace,” Danny said of the collection. “Their’s is an experiential reign, a life moving through culture, living through the world rather than removed from it. They’ve displaced war and the power-hungry people who had ruled through cruelty and fear. They now rule the world together, uniting their people through feminine power, wisdom and divinity.”

Danny led the hair and art direction of the shoot using Davines products, as well as leading the fashion styling with Rachel Morton. He was assisted by his D&M Hair Design salon team, including Michael Sisaengrath, with photography by Mara Sommer, assisted by Josh Szeto, makeup by Kiekie Stanners, production by Ryland Wood and post-production by Olivia Mander.