Home » Advanced Cosmeceuticals to Host First Skin Is In Summit This July in Australia
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Advanced Cosmeceuticals to Host First Skin Is In Summit This July in Australia

Advanced Cosmeceuticals to Host First Skin Is In Summit This July in Australia

Advanced Cosmeceuticals Skin Group (ACSG) has announced its inaugural Skin Is In Summit, slated to run on July 29 2024 in Sydney.

The summit is set to place skincare professionals and clinic owners at its core. Building upon enduring partnerships with clinics, the event aims to foster collective inspiration through engaging with some of Australia’s foremost business speakers.

Featuring a distinguished lineup of speakers, including the renowned entrepreneur and Boost Juice Founder, Janine Allis, alongside expert-led panel discussions and marketing workshops, the summit promises to energise attendees and propel their businesses to new heights.

Shaunte Mears-Watkins, CEO of ACSG, expressed her pride in hosting the first Skin Is In Summit, highlighting its role as a platform for skincare professionals to connect, learn, and draw inspiration.

Skin Is In Summit details:

Date: Monday, July 29 2024
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Venue: Yallamundi Rooms, The Sydney Opera House, NSW

Expert Speakers include:

  • Janine Allis, Founder of Boost Juice

Janine Allis founded Boost Juice Bars in 2000. Boost Juice now has over 600 stores in over 13 countries and is the largest juice bar in the world. Janine is among Australia’s most respected people in business, having been presented numerous domestic and international awards in digital marketing, retail, franchise, and business.

  • Chelsea Pottenger, Director of EQ Minds

Chelsea is the dynamic, brilliant and inspirational Director of EQ Minds who is on a mission to empower high performance through greater mindfulness. Known for great audience connection, warm energy and passion, anyone attending Chelsea’s events will walk away with some lifechanging tools.

  • Abbie White, CEO and founder of Sales Redefined

Abbie White, Australia’s most in-demand sales dynamo, redefines sales for the digital era. Abbie is known for her infectious energy and keynotes that aren’t just inspiring—they’re actionable, equipping teams with realistic and immediate strategies for tangible growth.

Additionally, a marketing round table session will be held to delve into strategies for enhancing online presence and client retention. Attendees will have the opportunity to glean insights from The Good Ideas Co on effective social media strategies.

Tickets are priced at $295 with limited availability. This exclusive event is open only to skincare professionals. Secure your spot now.

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