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Get that business idea off the ground

Get that business idea off the ground

If you’ve taken the plunge and decided to go into business for yourself, then high-five! And while being your own boss is a pretty incredible feeling, there’s no denying that going it alone can be scary and daunting.

Presumably, you’ve done some research and have some people to look up to. In addition to that though, it’s with noting that the NZ government is also keen to see entrepreneurs succeed.

Your first step
For advice on what types of help you might be eligible for, sign up with the local office of the Regional Business Partner Network. This will be your gateway to a wealth of advice and knowledge to support you and your business.

Your local business advisors can:

  • give you information and tools to help build your skills and knowledge
  • introduce you to business networks
  • connect you to other professionals and advisors for help in different areas of your business
  • advise you on other kinds of government assistance you might be eligible for.

There are 14 Regional Business Partners throughout New Zealand and it’s free to join.

Support for Māori business owners
Māori Business Growth Supports aims to help Māori business owners and entrepreneurs starting out.

To be eligible, the majority ownership of your business must identify as Māori. You must also have a business plan and have attended Inland Revenue’s Introduction to Business workshop.

You’ll be paired with an account manager who will work with you to identify your needs. Account managers are located throughout New Zealand.

Get a mentor
Business Mentors New Zealand (BMNZ) mentors are experienced business people with expertise in new ventures. They have an understanding of the steps needed to validate a business idea or get a new business off the ground.

Over a six-month period, volunteer mentors work alongside a person with a new business or idea to:

  • offer guidance
  • test thinking
  • step through a feasibility assessment
  • support you to build a robust business plan.