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How to Create a Great First Impression and a Welcoming Environment for Clients

How to Create a Great First Impression and a Welcoming Environment for Clients

By Liz McKeon, Salon Business Expert and Founder of the International Salon Business School.

One of the most effective ways to increase client loyalty is by enhancing the quality of customer service in your salon. When you take care of your clients, they will spread the word, affirming you have delivered high-quality service.  When you do this every time, with every client, you will see client loyalty, retention and referrals escalate.

In the first seven seconds, a new client will form an impression about your employees and your business. In that brief moment, they will evaluate your staff in 11 different ways, all of which influence their likelihood of returning to your salon.

The results of these evaluations are crucial—clients will amalgamate their judgements into an opinion of your business, determining whether they will become repeat customers. They may conclude one of three things:

  1. They like your employee (and therefore your salon).
  2. They dislike your employee (and therefore your salon).
  3. They feel indifferent.

Both negative conclusions—dislike and indifference—can be detrimental to your business. Obviously, dislike is bad, but so is indifference.  An indifferent client is a temporary client; they are only in your salon until they find a better option.  They are not long-term clients.

The 11 ways your salon and your team are judged are as follows:

  1. Attractiveness
  2. Cleanliness
  3. Courtesy
  4. Credibility
  5. Confidence
  6. Friendliness
  7. Helpfulness
  8. Knowledge
  9. Professionalism
  10. Responsiveness
  11. Understanding

You cannot redo a first impression.  The opinion people formulate within the first moments of contact remains indefinitely.  Do everything you can to maximise your positive impact on clients.  With attention to detail, you can ensure clients leave with positive opinions about you, your business and your team.

For example, teach your team to smile, establish eye contact, and deliver a friendly greeting. When you hear the client’s name upon meeting them, repeat it and make a point of remembering it. Be as confident and relaxed as possible when engaging in small talk. In salon sales, forming a great first impression can make or break your livelihood. Answering questions and solving problems promptly, with a friendly disposition, conversing using the client’s name during conversation, smiling, and showing interest in the person—all of this creates an impression of warmth, concern, and trust.

If you want all your clients to become long-term, even lifetime clients, make sure to create an outstanding first impression. Remember, people buy from people first!

To ensure you have a welcoming environment for clients and make a great first impression, consider the following aspects of your day-to-day operations:

The telephone

As the salon owner or manager, it is vital to ensure that all employees working at the reception have been fully trained on exactly how to answer the phone and respond to client calls.

Be on time

Come to work a few minutes early, organise your day, and run your appointments on time.

Be yourself, be at ease

When you are calm and confident, your clients will feel more at ease, and you will have a solid foundation to build trust, introduce new services, and make recommendations.

Present yourself appropriately

Is your appearance communicating the right message to help create the right first impression? Surveys show that employees with high levels of personal presentation foster pride in the salon while increasing the company’s credibility.

Keep your individuality

Of course, within a salon environment, you need to ‘fit in’ with the team, but you can usually create a great impression without losing your individuality and personality—clients love to see this shining through!

A winning smile

There is nothing like a genuine smile to create a great first impression. A warm and confident smile will put both you and the client at ease.

Be open and confident

Body language can speak louder than words. Use your body language to reflect appropriate confidence and self-assurance. Stand tall, make eye contact, and greet clients in a positive, welcoming manner. Always project confidence in your abilities.

Small talk goes a long way

Conversations are based on give and take. Prepare questions for the clients you are expecting, relative to the treatments they have booked.

Be courteous and attentive

Good manners and attentive, courteous behaviour help to make a great first impression. Every client deserves 100% of your attention, so always be on your best behaviour with clients.

Be positive

Your attitude shows through in everything you do. Project a positive attitude, even in the face of criticism or nervousness. Strive to continually learn while maintaining a positive, upbeat manner.

Ask yourself, if you were a client calling or walking into your salon for the first time, how impressed would you be?

To learn more on Liz McKeon, visit her website here.

Hero image: iStock

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