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How to Spot Fake Botox in New Zealand

How to Spot Fake Botox in New Zealand

Demand for botulinum toxin is growing rapidly. According to a recent report, the global Botox market size was estimated to be worth USD 4.3 billion in 2023 and..

Why your clients aren’t getting injectables

Why your clients aren’t getting injectables

Renowned practitioner Dr Naomi McCullum recently decided to simply come right out and ask.

UK calls for injectables ban for under 18s

UK calls for injectables ban for under 18s

Find out why and how these bans are being enforced.

The ‘Glass Skin’ Botulinum Trend

The ‘Glass Skin’ Botulinum Trend

You’ve probably already heard of the ‘glass skin’ trend sweeping Korea – well it’s now, at last, slowly making its way to our shores. The concept encourages consumers..