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On the hunt for a new beauty gig? These are the questions you should be asking in your job interview

On the hunt for a new beauty gig? These are the questions you should be asking in your job interview

While candidates often spend considerable time rehearsing answers to potential questions, they sometimes overlook the importance of asking their own questions. But here’s the catch: interviews should be a two-way street.

Not only are you there to demonstrate your qualifications and suitability for the role, but you’re also there to evaluate whether the company and position align with your career goals and values.

We speak to Lizzy Boots, Managing Director and Recruiter at Boots & All Consulting, who shares the most crucial questions interviewees often miss asking – or are afraid to ask.

What is the number one question interviewees miss out on asking or are afraid to ask in an interview?

There are probably two main questions interviewees miss out on asking due to fear of sounding either too money conscious (pay) or overly presumptuous (culture).

The first question interviewees find themselves reluctant to inquire about during an interview is pay! And this is due to several reasons, one of which is the fear of being perceived as too materialistic and solely motivated by financial considerations. They want to give a good first impression and not risk being labelled as overly focused on compensation.

So they tend to try to demonstrate their genuine interest in the job tasks or the nature of the day-to-day work.

However, pay this is an important factor in assessing if the role is going to be suitable for an employee in the long term and can be asked in a way that demonstrates they are genuinely interested in the role and also value the contribution they will bring to the workplace.

Tips for introducing questions about pay include;

  • Waiting for the right time. 
    Avoid bringing up salary too early in the interview. Allow the conversation to naturally progress, ideally until the employer or interviewer introduces the topic. Or at the closing remarks when they ask, do you have any questions for us.
  • Do your homework and be prepared. 
    Research the advertisement to assess if there is reference to the salary, pay and benefits in the ad. If this has been included, you can refer to that information when appropriate. Also research the pay being offered for similar jobs in the same industry and in similar areas.
  • Show you are interested in the role and also the company, not just the money. 
    Before asking about compensation, express genuine interest in the position, the company, and the responsibilities of the role. 

 “I’m really excited about the role, it sounds like I have the skills, knowledge and attitude you are seeking in a new employee. I was hoping to get a better understanding of the overall compensation package. Could you provide more details about the salary range for this position? “

Another good way to raise the issue of pay is to ask about the ‘salary range’ for the role and if you do not have ALL the qualifications and experience they are seeking, assess if the ‘bottom end’ of the salary scale fits with your expectations – as this is often where employers will want someone they will need to train at the start of employment.

A good interviewer will raise the pay issue early on in the process and maybe even include the salary range in the pre-screening call. Let’s face it, remuneration is a very important aspect in the candidate’s job search and should not be overlooked.

The other crucial question interviewees are often hesitant to ask relates to the company culture. This is generally because they think asking probing questions about the working atmosphere, team dynamics, and the company’s values might be perceived as presumptuous or premature.

However, inquiring about these aspects is essential for both parties to assess suitability for the role. Alignment with company values and compatibility with the company culture ultimately contributing to a successful engagement.

A well trained and experienced interviewer will address company culture, to assess a candidate’s overall fit, but all too often interviews are held by people within the organisation without a People & Culture background. So a savvy interviewee will be confident to ask about culture when provided with the opportunity to ask questions.

What makes a good interview?

A great interview transcends beyond the conventional Q&A session. It involves a delicate balance of assessing the candidate’s skills, cultural fit, and personal attributes. 

Effective communication, active listening, and a genuine interest in the candidate’s experiences contribute to the creation of a positive and engaging atmosphere. 

A skilled interviewer understands the art of crafting questions that not only evaluate technical proficiency but also unveil the candidate’s problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and potential for growth within the organisation.

A good interview will leave the interviewee feeling positive about the experience, even if they come away with the feeling that they may not be the perfect hire for the role, they can reflect on a positive learning experience.

A good interview will end with the interviewee being advised as to the ‘next steps’. Having a clear indication of when they may expect to hear if they have been success or unsuccessful.

What are some of the red flags an interviewee should look out for in an interview? 

While a great interview leaves a lasting positive impression, it’s equally important to recognise red flags that might signal potential issues. One such red flag is a lack of preparation on either side. An unprepared interviewer may fail to assess the candidate accurately, leading to a poor hiring decision.

Similarly, an ill-prepared interviewee may demonstrate a lack of interest in the position or the organisation, raising doubts about their commitment.

Consistency in the interviewer’s behaviour and communication style is another red flag. Inconsistencies may indicate a lack of clear expectations or alignment within the hiring team, potentially causing confusion for the candidate.

Also be mindful of an overemphasis on negative aspects or an excessively critical tone, this can be a warning sign of a toxic work environment.

The post These Are The Questions That Candidates Should Ask In A Job Interview appeared first on SPA+CLINIC.