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Clinical doesn’t have to be uncomfortable

Clinical doesn’t have to be uncomfortable

If you operate a successful skin clinic or medical aesthetics practice, chances are you pride yourself on steering clear of the ‘fluffy facials’, choosing only the best medical grade, results-driven treatments for your menu, writes Mala McAlpin.

If this is the case, you also likely choose to forgo those other spa-style elements that come with the more relaxation-based facials, like soothing ocean soundtracks and essential oil breaths. But there is a fine line between forgoing the ‘fluffy’ touches, and simply forgetting the client experience.

Regardless of how results-driven or clinical your treatments are, your client’s comfort should be one of your top priorities, and there are a few key elements that could mean the difference between an enjoyable visit and an uncomfortable one. Here are some of the most common that should never be forgotten:

Offer a blanket – This is one of the absolute basics, but still we’ve seen a few clinics that simply don’t ask the client if they would like one. Even in a quick 30 minute facial, it’s incredibly easy to become cold from the evaporation and lack of movement, and the level of discomfort a client can experience from this is enough to taint the entire visit.

Music – even if it isn’t your typical spa sounds, be sure to play some music in the background. It feels incredibly eerie and awkward laying on a bed or sitting inside a silent room. Particularly for quiet clients that don’t want to fill the silence with conversation. In a clinical environment, soothing soundtracks also serve the purpose of calming down nervous patients, so ensure there is always something to listen to.

Use names – clients should not only be greeted by their first name upon entry, but should also receive introductions by each practitioner they meet. It can be disconcerting for patients if they don’t know any staff members’ names, and the exchange is necessary for building the first level of rapport and trust for new clients. The more names patients learn, the more a ‘part of the clinic’ they will feel, increasing the chance of a long term relationship.

Offer a beverage – even if it isn’t a fancy wellness latte or collagen beverage, be sure to offer all clients a water or tea. You want them to feel comfortable and at home, and this is one of the first steps in doing so.

Walk through the client journey – you should regularly test out your client experience by role-playing and walking it through with your staff to make sure no detail is spared. This is a crucial form of staff training to ensure consistency throughout your clinic and your team. This will evolve over time so it may be something you want to redo annually or every few months.