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The Great Resignation: How to attract (and retain) high-quality hair and beauty talent

The Great Resignation: How to attract (and retain) high-quality hair and beauty talent

In the wake of the pandemic, New Zealand is observing record numbers of people leaving their jobs. It’s a global phenomenon not just isolated to New Zealand, dubbed ‘The Great Resignation’, or ‘Brain Drain’, referring to the workers flocking overseas.

According to the annual Salary and Employment Report by human resources platform MyHR, staff turnover in many sectors is reaching up to 50 percent. Leading employment website Seek also reported a record number of job advertisements earlier this year. According to another recent study by Employment Hero, 40 percent of workers are planning to search for a new job within the next six months, while 15 percent are already actively searching. As a result of this, all industry sectors are experiencing significant staff shortages.

Among all the uncertainty, what is certain, is the world of work as it was—from employee expectations to rigid working models—has changed. Navigating The Great Resignation will require a long-term, strategic outlook and mindset change in order to attract and retain top quality staff.

Below are some tips for attracting skilled employees in the hair and beauty space…

It’s not just about money

While a competitive salary is still one of the biggest drawcards for new employees, it’s no longer the only one. Employees are more likely now to jump ship for better opportunities, more flexibility, and corporate responsibility, too.

Great culture attracts top talent 

Job seekers want to work for inclusive organisations that align with their goals and values. Employers should keep this in mind as they think about what strategies they can use to not only attract the best workers, but also keep them long term. It is more integral than ever to invest in making your business a great place to work that attracts top talent. Ideally, you want people to seek you out for a job because they heard about your strong culture and want to be a part of it. A step many businesses neglect in their efforts to foster a positive culture is checking in with their team. Aim to check-in with your team regularly in an informal capacity as well as formally each quarter.

Prioritise employee wellbeing

For all its challenges, the pandemic forced employers to place more emphasis on employee wellbeing initiatives – an area often underacknowledged prior. While lockdown is behind us, it’s not a time to put these programmes on the backburner, especially with staff shortages becoming an increasing issue. Savvy employers appreciate that supporting their employees beyond the office contributes to a more productive workforce. In particular, incidence of burnout has been on the rise during and post-pandemic. Your best employees can often be allocated the most work, which can quickly result in fatigue, negativity and reduced productivity. To alleviate this, consider skilled temporary professionals to relieve overburdened staff and support resource-intensive projects.

Boost engagement

High employee engagement can reduce turnover and absenteeism, as well as increase productivity and company morale. You can improve employee engagement by encouraging open communication and feedback, as well as social initiatives.

Competitive compensation

An attractive salary is still top of mind for job seekers. If you want to hire skilled workers, you must be prepared to pay them what they are worth. Start by reviewing the industry average for employee salaries. Remember, pay isn’t the only way to remunerate employees. Other forms of compensation include additional paid leave, share options, and bonuses.

Development opportunities

A lack of career development opportunities is the biggest reason why employees quit their jobs. If you want to retain your most valued employees, you must provide them with a clear path to future development. Each employee should have their own career development plan that is unique to their strengths and interests.


It goes without saying that a happy employee is one who feels valued and appreciated. Devise an employee recognition programme with scope to tailor to each individual’s feedback styles.


If financial compensation isn’t feasible, there are plenty of other ways to show your employees you value their contribution. For example, anniversary gifts to mark a milestone at the business, paid leave on birthdays, long service leave, and bonus product/service allocations.

Hold a team building day

The key to a motivated team might just lie in a strategy day outside the normal working environment. In addition to valuable brainstorming, it’s also a great opportunity for staff to grasp each other’s roles at a deeper level.