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Pivot Point launches Salonability workshop in New Zealand

Pivot Point launches Salonability workshop in New Zealand

Pivot Point, a global leader in hairdressing education, has released their latest training workshop, Salonability. The new collection is designed to equip salon professionals with the capability to build loyal clientele and increase profitability.

A two-day Salonability Cutting Course will be taking place in Christchurch on the 1st and 2nd of October. To ensure maximum value for participants, a small intake of participants will get hands-on, advanced cutting expertise, led by international platform artist and Pivot Point educator, Vic Piccolotto.

“It really gives the stylist a whole genre of hair mediums, working with long, medium, and short hair,” says Vic. “Whatever I’m doing can be current or on trend, but it has to have some salonability to it, which basically means it has to be salon relevant, and it has to relate to the client.”

The Salonability cutting course will provide a suite of new techniques that will allow them to confidently create personalised haircuts to suit each client. Participants will work through a minimum of six cuts, spending one-on-one time with our educators to uncover how the individual techniques and elements can be adapted, combined and blended to create new style possibilities. Best suited to qualified stylists, it is ideal for stylists (and advanced apprentices) who have a good grasp of fundamental cutting techniques but want to feel more confident and creative.

“The Salonability collection is unique in the industry because it doesn’t attempt to teach new styles or what’s trending next season; instead, it delivers techniques and an understanding of how and when to use each technique to get the effect you want,” says Pivot Point Australia New Zealand CEO, Jane Barrett. “We do this through workshopping commercial, salon-ready looks that you can use immediately in salon, although you come away with so much more – the ability to create infinite styles and an understanding of why you are making the choices you are.”

Salonability is a highly targeted programme designed for qualified stylists who want to grow their clientele and level up their capability in the salon. “This workshop is ideal for anyone who has recently graduated or knows that they’re capable of more,” adds Jane. “Participants often tell us that this workshop fills in the ‘gaps’ for them. They leave feeling confident and excited to take what they’ve learnt back to the salon.”

Participants also get to continue their learning after the course with their own technical workbook, which includes a QR code for each workshop, giving access to the full-length video. “While in the workshop we focus on cutting, the workbook and videos provides access to all of the colour and styling techniques, plus the opportunity to review anything from the workshop,” says Jane.

“The techniques are like tools, and you choose the tools according to what you want to create and what’s best for the client”, says Sabine Held-Perez, Education Strategy and Technical Director at Pivot Point International. “Trend forecasts are becoming increasingly more suggestive. Clients don’t want to conform to a rule that’s imposed; they want to wear their hair just like they want to wear their own fashion and express who they are. For hairdressers, it will be important to get to the essence of who that client is and let them express that. This programme enables them to be ready for that future,’” she adds.

Pivot Point is hosting the two-day Salonability in Christchurch from Sunday, 1st – Monday, 2nd October. For more information and to book, visit https://pivot-point.com.au/events

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