Free digital training for business owners

It’s 2022. If your salon, spa or clinic doesn’t have a digital element, it’s safe to say that you’re missing out on business.
Whether it’s an online booking system, an e-commerce platform, or a somewhere to house your how-to videos, our industry relies heavily on digital – if our clients can’t see it on their screens, they don’t want to know about it.
But don’t panic. If you haven’t got your digital footprint in place, it’s not too late. The NZ government has come to the party to help local businesses to up their online game. So if you have no idea where to start, this is for you.
The Digital Boost training course is free and its aim is to gear you up for the next generation of customers – the ones who have never known life without social media and instant gratification.
“Digital Boost is a free government support package to help you gain or improve digital skills, and explore new ways to do business,” says a spokesperson for Business NZ.
Tamaki-Makau-Rau is one of the experts working alongside business owners to help them build a digital presence. “People need to know who you are, and the essence of your business. Your messaging needs to be clear and concise, and relevant to your customer or target audience.”
The Digital Boost team will help you to:
- Create a digital strategy
- Improve online sales
- Use digital tools for growth
- Use app-based software
- Build a website
- Increase your social media presence
If Digital Boost sounds like something that your salon, spa or clinic could benefit from, what are you waiting for?! Register here.