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How to ensure your business is millennial-friendly

How to ensure your business is millennial-friendly

If you’re one of the many (and growing) number of clinic owners that wants to know how better to attract, cater to and maintain millennial clients, you’re in luck, writes Mala McAlpin – Candela has just released a new report with just that; containing research, trends, stats and advice, carefully comparing the millennial generation (aged 23-38) and their way of thinking, motivations and purchase decisions, in contrast with the previous generation of consumers. We’ve put together some highlights for you, so you can implement some tactical strategies within your own clinic or practice.

Old: Patients who take in knowledge
New: Patients who ask questions

The millennial generation is savvier than ever, they do their own research prior to visiting you, and they will ask questions and challenge you. They are highly educated – indeed, in the US, 29% of millennial men and 36% of females having attained at least a bachelor’s degree. To deal with this, ask them what they know, and be prepared to answer questions about a process or procedure right from the beginning of their visit.

Old: Phone calls
New: Texts

Most millennials are extremely reluctant to make phone calls or even answer them, preferring communications to happen via text or email. Ensure you have automatic text confirmations in place, a text marketing strategy in place, and someone responsible for your clinic’s designated mobile number (if you have one) at all times.

Old: Private thanks
New: Public thanks

Younger consumers greatly value online reviews, and want to hear about others’ experiences before investing in one themselves. This means they also want to share their own experiences with others afterwards. Because of this, don’t be afraid to ask your clients to review and share their experience with you. Just be sure to abide by AHPRA’s guidelines when it comes to testimonials of a regulated health service.

Old: Live life in the now
New: Looking to the future

The modern day conscious consumer is less about living in the moment, worrying about the consequences later; and more about looking to the future. They are health focused and choosy about the foods they put into their bodies – as well as the ingredients on their skin, even the effects these can have on the environment. They want to know about the long term effects and benefits of their purchases, and are receptive to products and treatments designed for prevention, not just correction. Approach these clients with a ‘journey’, not just a one-off treatment recommendation.

Old: Used to waiting
New: Instant gratification

Everything we could possibly need is at our fingertips – information can be found in seconds with a Google search, food delivered to our doorsteps within minutes, and movies and tv series on demand whenever, wherever. We aren’t used to waiting for anything anymore, and consumers are likely to take their business elsewhere if you keep them waiting for too long. This means a good online booking system is incredibly effective (no phone call required!) and an absolute must for a dedicated team member to be at the ready to answer any questions you receive via email or social media.

Old: Blend In
New: Stand out

Businesses should no longer be striving to be in line with their competitors. Authentic, unique and experiential are the buzzwords for millennials, and they’re looking for brands that stand out, are non-traditional, and that make them feel special.

The consumer of today is savvy, educated, asks questions and does their research. They don’t want to be sold to, they want to be shown, and made to feel a part of the unique experience you’re offering – something they can’t get anywhere else. To meet these demands, businesses need to create a strong authentic brand, and in doing so make consumers understand who they are and what they stand for. Make all of your clients and patients a part of a two-way dialogue, ask them questions, and encourage them to review/share/comment. Throw traditional sales tactics out the window – clients want to be shown what the product or service does by touching it, watching videos of it in action, or seeing amazing before and after photos. These (in combination with your stellar staff, offerings and results of course!) will be invaluable in growing millennial demand for your business.

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